Well, this latest page is a mix of emotions for me. I gave a lot of thought to this story line; whether it would be appropriate, how it would work, etc. Mostly I wondered if I could have dead bodies and still maintain a light touch and some humor.
There are more details to come, but let's just say that I held a contest with the prize being the winner's likeness killed off in a Master Jeffrey story, and people of all ages and types responded with enthusiasm. "Someone has to die a horrible death - with any luck, it could be you!" They came in droves.
What this says about our society as a whole is debatable, and I'm fairly certain Jeff would not have been crazy about this idea. At some point, if the story is to continue, I have to make it something I want to create. So here we go, stretching the boundaries about as far as I could ever manage. If they break, well, better to know now. Feel free to share your thoughts.
Finally, I must point out that Master Jeffrey's reaction to the situation is pure Jeffrey. Jeff would often sit by the side of a debate, silently listening as people argued a point back and forth. When you least expected it, he would break in and make an observation that was as obvious as it might be impractical. It feels good to be thinking about him again.
More about the contest, including the winners, in the next post.